Thursday, April 1, 2010


The greatest artist of the twentieth century, Pablo Picasso, remarked that he had spent his whole life trying to learn to paint like a child. Picasso was amazingly productive throughout his long life, working right up to his death in 1973 at the age of 91. His work continues to inspire the world.

Feng Shui encourages us to cultivate an awareness that is present within each moment – not defined by thoughts of the past or future. For most of us who lead busy lives, this task seems about as easy as standing on your head or flying through the air on a toy airplane. However, it is from this overactive and nonproductive mindset that we need to bring ourselves back – again and again – to a receptive open state. The more we are able to allow ourselves to tolerate or to be in a place of “not knowing”, also called “the beginner’s mind”, the more effective and useful we can be. As Picasso so clearly demonstrated, it is by being empty that we become full of possibility.

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