Friday, April 16, 2010


The Associated Press recently reported a movement among institutions of higher learning to encourage students to turn off their electronic devices and find the “silence within”. Cited was the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life project which found that 82 percent of 16- and 17- year olds own cell phones. 94 percent of teens spend time online. College leaders are finding that, after some initial resistance, students are actually enjoying the opportunity to unplug and get centered.

In Feng Shui terms, electronic gadgets, computers, televisions, and so forth, are considered the Fire element. This is very strong agitated energy, and constant exposure requires balancing for the sake of good health. Unplugging is a good idea; as well as reducing the impact of all that Fire with the Earth element. Spending time in nature, the colors brown or yellow, furniture and accessories in a square shape – these are all examples of the Earth element, and can help to calm down an anxious mind. Students who can bring themselves to sit quietly for awhile are discovering that they have a best friend less than a click away – themselves.

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