Thursday, March 25, 2010


Quechua, the ancient language of the Andes, contains a concept called hucha, the heavy dense shadow energy carried around by human beings. People are unique among the animal kingdom in their ability to carry this energy, the accumulation of worry, anger, fear, low self-esteem, guilt -- negative thinking in all its myriad forms.

One of the greatest skills we can develop as human beings is the ability to let go of this burden, to find ways to lighten our load. Some simple ways are to go outside into nature: sit or lie on the ground, or lean up against a tree. Take some deep breaths and imagine that you are breathing in refreshing sparkling energy; as you breathe out imagine that your cares and worries are leaving you. You may see this heaviness as a dark gray smoke or a muckiness. Interestingly, you may even “give” this energy to the tree. The Andean shamans tell us that, to the earth, our unwanted sticky energy is “food”. Lucky for us, the earth “knows how to use it…”

1 comment:

  1. Is a bit more accurate to describe the Hucha as the indigenous Quechua do: the dense or heavy energy product of the inter-relations and interactions between human beings that is accumulated in the body of a person. It is incorrect to associate this energy to a negative concept like evil, but rather with a type of energy that is incompatible to be shared between people. We can get cleansed by releasing its content to the Pacha Mama (or mother earth). (by following your advice for instance...)
    Hucha is actually part of a larger concept in Andean knowledge: The Kausay.
    The concept of Kausay relates to the perception and interaction with the world of vital energies. The Kausay is formed by two types of different forces: The Sami and the Hucha. These are the energies that animate the cosmos. To begin in the footpath of Andean Knowledge means to learn to move kausay to serve the good of the others. And when we accomplish this task of moving Kausay for the good of others means that we must resume our bonds and our bows that unite us with all other forms of life. This is the path to really commit ourselves with the task of reuniting, harmonizing and distributing our different energies to achieve harmonious balance with the universe around us. Now, the concept of Sami: corresponds to a state of harmony and connection with the universe which we absorb as energy from kausay pacha, the world of the living energy, which we allow and make flow through our body. We specially absorb the slight energy of the Hanac Pacha (world of above – not to be confused with the western conception of “heaven”. Hanac Pacha is the superior world of Andean Cosmology where the more refined, pure energies reside).
