Friday, April 9, 2010

when the world is mud-luscious...

Twentieth century avant-garde poet e.e. cummings delighted in reminding the reader that life is mysterious and wonderful. Cummings experienced his share of life’s difficulties, including serving in the Ambulance Corps in France during World War I, and the early death of his father in a car accident – yet he continued to find a way to praise the world in his art.

Feng Shui teaches us to take a good look at what is, not to cover it up or deny it – and to never lose sight of what can be. It is as though we are functioning on at least two levels, one that accepts and one that is creating a space for something new. When the seasons are in transition, we have a chance to see a world that is fading away as well as a completely different reality emerging. In the “Just-spring” of poet cummings, there is something ancient, as well as the delicious irresistible pull of something fresh and still unformed -- the mystery of life.

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