Friday, May 28, 2010


In the timeless children’s musical of the 1950’s Mary Martin as Peter Pan entreats the Darling children to “think lovely thoughts”. When the children are able to uplift their thinking sufficiently -- they can fly!

It is a Feng Shui maxim that energy follows thought. Our thoughts, the focus of our mental and emotional activity, are a creative force that is working for us – for good or not-so-good. These images and impulses are essentially forming containers into which the universe pours a response. We don’t have to struggle, scheme, or pray to make this happen: it just does. When we have conflicting thoughts or emotions, we are actually creating an energetic container of static and disharmony – and, unfortunately, that is what we receive.

The solution? A few minutes spent each day in a clear place of gratitude, happiness, joy, playfulness, beauty – either in meditation or in our daily life – can begin to tip the balance in a better direction for ourselves and those around us. With better thoughts we, too, can reach that wondrous state of “lift off” found by Michael and his siblings one London evening long ago.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


From a Feng Shui point of view, one of your greatest assets is your front door, also called your Mouth of Chi. It is through this opening that the world arrives, bringing with it good fortune, new opportunities, and fresh energy. Taking the time to create a welcoming uplifting tone at the architectural front door of your home or establishment is an investment well worth the effort.

For a moment, put yourself in the shoes of your guests or clients and ask yourself some questions about your front door. Is it easy to see? Is the approach user-friendly and clearly understood? If there is landscaping, is it well-trimmed and not obscuring the door? Are all the plantings healthy? Does your entry give your guests or clients the message that you value them and are glad to have them coming in? Is your front entry clean, safe, and free of debris?

Many homeowners, especially in New England, neglect their front door in favor of another entry, usually through a garage or mudroom. While this approach may be more “convenient”, it also creates an expectation of utility or workaday chores. It is difficult to relax and be refreshed when your first impression of home is a cluttered garage or laundry room. While switching your regular approach to the front door may not be realistic, it might be fun to see what changes will occur by varying your approach just once a week. Why not utilize your Mouth of Chi -- and take a bigger bite out of life?